How I repainted Bootstrap v5These days I’m scaffolding a lightweight Angular app at work and I wanted to have the possibility to easily customize colors of Bootstrap…Mar 9, 2023Mar 9, 2023
Make Dialogs Using the Angular Router with Named Router OutletsHi guys, today I’m going to show you how you can use Angular Named Router Outlets feature to achieve the Dialog Pattern very easily.Nov 14, 2022Nov 14, 2022
Fr3d0's Volume Profile Visible Range (VPVR)Hi guys, today I’m gonna show you my implementation of the Volume Profile Visible Range indicator, in short VPVR.Oct 30, 20212Oct 30, 20212
Create your Reef chain accountIn order to interact with dapps on the Reef chain you need to do two thing: - Generate a Polkadot address; - Get some Reef tokens; - Bind…Oct 14, 20212Oct 14, 20212
My light JS implementation of RxJS subjectsWorking on different apps I’ve found that subjects from RxJS proved to be a good way to handle communication between components and deal…Oct 10, 2021Oct 10, 2021
A better JS INTERVAL that evaluates ASYNC function SEQUENTIALLY, it’s pausable/resumable and can be…When you need to fetch data periodically from a server you usually use setInterval(), pass it a job and a delay and this will keep calling…Oct 10, 2021Oct 10, 2021
CRYPTO THAT WILL MOON IN 2021Cryptocurrencies that I believe will moon during 2021Feb 10, 20211Feb 10, 20211
DeFi of Thrones — Betting on the BlockchainToday I want to introduce you a DeFi (Decentralized Finance) project that I think it’s quite interesting: DeFi of Thrones…Dec 14, 2020Dec 14, 2020
CSS Positioning OverviewThe only thing I want you to learn from this post is how different positioning values behave, the article is meant to be…Nov 7, 2019Nov 7, 2019
Published inFuture VisionRecursionThis article is my own attempt to make you “aha” about recursion, let me know if I’ve been successful.Apr 18, 2019Apr 18, 2019
Published inFuture VisionProblem solving patterns (programming)This article is just a summary of the solving problem patterns I’ve recognized and used while finding performant solutions for code…Apr 17, 2019Apr 17, 2019
Decoupling component and service + error handling in AngularIn Object-Oriented Programming there’s a concept called Single responsability principle which is short says that every module is…Mar 28, 2019Mar 28, 2019
Mocking backend with Angular in-memory-apiI’m going to show you how to mock a simple backend in Angular, so that you can taste front-end development backend-lessly.Mar 28, 2019Mar 28, 2019